It would be helpful to create an event that is flagged as flexible or ongoing because there is no defined start or end date. Projects and the re-occurring feature do not satisfy this need because they still need start and end dates, and when set appear first in the search. It would be nice to flag it as ongoing with optional end date to remove from listing after a define date i.e. food panty volunteers needed all summer or organization looking for a board or committee member.
Having this tag would also be helpful so that it can be a tag in the search opportunities for users to flip between dated and flexible opportunities.
Client Name | Associated Bank |
Also, if projects is the solution for this, it would be helpful to have a "projects" and "events" filterable tag on the search opportunities page like distance and location can be filtered.
Hi Michael,
It would be helpful for a flexible tag to be added to the event creation form and displayed on "search opportunities" as it's own filterable option for users to easily sort that option, like distance and location can be filtered. I already use the allotted three custom tag sets to track other items. Adding it there would get lost in the mix.
Right now I can use a reoccurring event, but I have to set a date or date range. That bogs down the search opportunities page and makes dated opportunities harder to find. Reoccurring events appear at the top of the search opportunities list because it tags them to the first reoccurrence and not the next.
Having the ability to display events for users by flexible/reoccurring and dated would improve the user experience and allow for users to break apart the two options. This was a helpful feature in the old AngelPoints system and common among other volunteer platforms.
Hi Alyssa, thank you for the submission. If I am understanding the ask correctly here, we believe the functionality already exists regarding how tags can be used within a community and added within projects or events by the event creator or admins. Working with your CSM to get new tags added within a 'tag set' so they will be populated as options to select would be advised here. An 'On-Going- tag could be created and then used as a filter or saved search within Search Opportunities to display only events/projects with that tag. Regarding flexible events, unfortunately the date requirement is needed across the system in order to populate things such as Search Opportunities along with other reporting metrics and dashboards, without an end date this breaks that same functionality. But, within projects, there is the ability to use the Standard time setup using the 'Anticipated End Date' and a disclaimer that can go with it indicating to users that the end of the project could be flexible and expand. Or the Flexible date setting can be used which is a date range in which participation can also be recorded anytime within that range which also has a date disclaimer. Hope this helps and please let us know if you have any questions, happy to assist.