Add 'expected delivery' timeline to 6-digit verification code message on login page

The 6-digit verification code email has a delay and does not arrive in user's email inboxes for up to 10 minutes after they click 'send code'. This results in users getting frustrated/confused when the email doesn't arrive instantaneously with their needed code. They then click multiple times (send a new code), receiving multiple codes in the space of a couple min and leads to confusion on which one they should enter once they do receive the code emails.

Suggest adding language on the login page notifying that a code has been sent and add a statement addressing the expected timeline for arrival.


Existing language says: "Enter the 6-digit verification code you received via email."

Suggest adding another statement "Note: email may take up to 10 minutes to arrive in your inbox."

Adding this message will help manage user expectations of instantaneous inbox arrival and reduce frustration/number of clicks and wasted effort while waiting to receive 6-digit code.

  • Whitney Welsh
  • Oct 17 2024
Client Name PGE
Employee Name Whitney Welsh
  • Attach files