Adding Participants When Creating Volunteer Events vs. After They are Approved

When creating a volunteer event, it would be very beneficial to have the capacity to add any participants we know are attending during the creation of the event versus waiting until after the event has been approved.

  • Guest
  • Sep 12 2024
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Chris Mathew commented
    October 02, 2024 21:14

    Hello, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, this is not a request that we will be able to implement as participation reporting is dependent on both events being approved as well as participation tied to past or future. Reporting on participation while events are still in draft modes can lead to reporting issues on actual participation vs potential participation for an event that may not end up approved. This can have a major negative impact on CRA participation reporting as it can lead to false reports of draft event participation.