Add Group Membership End Date to Groups Data Feed

Currently, the Groups data feed only includes active group members. Inactive end users will be seen on this report if they did not remove themselves from the group before becoming inactive.

In knowing this information, we would like to ask if we could have a group membership end date added to the Groups data feed and have end users with end dates then have the is_group_member_active column equal '0'.

  • Madison Nowlin
  • May 9 2024
  • Reviewed: Need Further Info
  • Attach files
  • Madison Nowlin commented
    August 15, 2024 11:51

    Thank you for this feedback, Chris!

    Adding a group membership end date to this data feed would allow customers to determine who is currently an active group member. Just because the employee is still active on the HR file that does not mean they are an active group member as they could have left the group.

  • Admin
    Chris Mathew commented
    August 14, 2024 21:08

    Hey Madison, thank you for your submission. Within the groups datafeed there is a field for is_employee_active in which already describes whether the employee is included with the HR indicating their status. With this information already available, is there a reason from the WF side that they cannot manipulate the data in their internal reporting solution to the same effect as changing this logic for is group member active? For historical reporting purposes, we need to know if an inactive employee was a part of a group which is used in group volunteer reporting. Please provide any additional information that will help understand more into this request.