SFA Redirects Org Search: Only Display Redirect-Eligible Orgs within same Processor

At this time, the SFA will only allow funds to be redirected to another eligible charity within the same processor. However, when searching for a new organization, we don't have the ability to search/filter by processor. This makes searching for another eligible charity particularly difficult for clients with GPM. We don't have a work-around to generate a list of eligible redirect charities for clients with GPM and don't have practical instructions for generating a list of redirect eligible orgs within the same processor in the Stranded Funds Automation.

Idea/Enhancement: The SFA respects the donation processor and restricts users from redirecting to charities within the same processor. For a more seamless user experience, we would like the "Search for Another Organization" option in the SFA to also respect the processor and always default to only display redirect eligible charities within the same processor.

Location: SFA Donation Redirects (https://CLIENT.yourcause.com/home#/give/transaction/stale) > Redirect Funds > Search for Another Organization

Note: Original idea was to include a processor filter when searching for another charity, but we cannot expect users to understand what a processor is, how to determine who the current donation processor is, and how to search for another eligible charity within the same processor.

  • Melea Mosley
  • May 2 2024
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Client Name All CSRc Clients with GPM
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    09 Jul 21:53

    if you are going to create the filter, rather than writing instructions on how to find and select the right org, the requirements should include “pre-populate the lookup with the Partner Org from the transaction that needs redirecting”.