Admins to be emailed, when employees are emailed, about stranded fundes
The Client would like a setting they can turn on, where they can add admin emails to be cc'ed or copied, when an employee is emailed about stranded funds.
I hope this gets passed for voting. There is a landing page that employees see when they "take action" this is where I put information for employees to forward the stranded funds email to me...for now.
This would be very helpful and allow us (the admin) to follow up directly if the employee doesn't respond. Often times we find that employees ignore emails from an unknown email
I hope this gets passed for voting. There is a landing page that employees see when they "take action" this is where I put information for employees to forward the stranded funds email to me...for now.
This would be very helpful and allow us (the admin) to follow up directly if the employee doesn't respond. Often times we find that employees ignore emails from an unknown email