Notify End Users when a Transaction has been Disbursed

This request is to add an additional Give email notification when transactions are disbursed. Currently that status updates on the MyGiving page and is visible to users but to see that they would have to login and check regularly.

Having an email to notify users of disbursement would support end user delight and add transparency to the process. Also, because of the nature of end users relationship to charities this could help lower stale checks. If users know their funds went out they are likely to let organizations know money is on the way and this could reduce the number of stales.

  • Caitlin Rodgers
  • May 4 2022
  • Shipped
  • Mar 28, 2023

    Admin response

    Donors now receive email notifications when their donations change to (1) an in-transit status and (2) a completed status. After the status change occurs, the system sends notifications to donors that night. They will receive one email for each transaction, and every email includes the donation type.

    For more information, see the In-transit Donation Notification and Charity Received Donation Notification email messages located in the CSRconnect Email Library.

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