VTO Enhancements

These requests are from a client who runs a VTO program where employees get 8 hours per year and the requests are Manager Approved.

1. Manager Approval – with the current process of searching for your manager, the user is able to search for themselves and then approve their own VTO request. This allows the user to bypass that approval process. Potential update would be using the Manager field on the HR file to automatically assign the requests to the appropriate manager.
2. Ability to Delete VTO Request and Re-use Hours – after the user has had their VTO request approved and the date has passed, the user is able to go back to the VTO page and delete that request. This results in the hours becoming available for the user to use again. This could become a loophole for the user to use more than 8 hours per year, simply by deleting a request afterward.
3. Disclaimer: one client request is for a disclaimer that users need to agree to during a VTO request, similarly to the custom questions feature which already exists.

  • Bobby Cannell
  • Apr 21 2022
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Client Name Test
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