I have several clients that only allow hidden fundraisers because they don't have the ability to approve Fundraisers before it is posted/activated. This means that the client needs to build in UAT and then wait for the CSM to move to Production.
I also have clients that do show the fundraiser module that would like this ability.
As part of the CSRconnect 24.4.0 release earlier this month, we have added the option to require admin approval of Peer to Peer Fundraisers.
To support this feature, the following updates have been made in CSRconnect:
In communities with fundraiser approval enabled, newly created or edited fundraisers will enter the Pending Approval state. Pending fundraisers cannot receive donations and will not appear in fundraiser search. Once approved, the fundraiser will automatically publish and become active.
The Fundraisers Manager has been added to the CSRconnect Admin Portal. Admins can use this page to approve or decline any pending fundraisers.
A new Can Approve Fundraiser permission has been added to the CSRconnect Admin Portal.
New email notifications have been created for the fundraiser approval process. These emails have been added to the Email Library.
For more information, see Peer to Peer Fundraiser Approval.
If interested in enabling this new capability, please contact your CSM.
I would like to be included in the EAP for the peer to peer fundraiser admin approval.
Thank you,
This is CRITICAL for turning on in our organization.
It's the same for me. As an admin I tried turning on fundraising and had a lot of "rogue" events created. People don't understand the functionality and then come to me with questions so I don't have a chance to review in advance (like I can with volunteer events creation) and there were some events being created that didn't fit our guidelines. This is CRITICAL for turning on in my organization.
Not being able to approve fundraisers is one of the main reasons my clients have not enabled P2P